Individual investments in our portfolios may be viewed as “bundle” of different risks: term risk, default risk, equity risk, alpha risk, illiquidity risk, and leverage risk. Some investments—such as the 30-Year U.S. Treasury Bond—carry only a single type of risk (term risk), while more complex investments or fund vehicles such as venture capital funds may
Thinking About Investor Goals in the Post-Monetary Era
The Golden Age of Monetary Policy (1980-2019) has ended and the Post-Monetary Era has begun. The unique market environment which we are calling the “Post-Monetary Era” presents many challenges for investors, suggesting that investors should focus on defining, quantifying, and prioritizing their goals in order to maximize their probability of financial success. This podcast suggests
Is this the New, New Normal for Investors?
The Golden Age of Monetary Policy (1980-2019) has ended and the Post-Monetary Era has begun. Having become accustomed to the “new normal” of Quantitative Easing, ultra-low interest rates, and Fed-suppressed market volatility, investors must now learn to live with a “new, new normal” as the Federal Reserve’s COVID-19 response reset market conditions and expectations. This
Investing in the Post-Monetary Era —COVID Special
The Golden Age of Monetary Policy (1980-2019) has ended and the Post-Monetary Era has begun. This episode explores the consequences of the COVID pandemic’s dramatic impacts on the economy and financial markets. Featuring: Speaker: Jack Parham – Chief Investment Advisor, Eton Advisors Group Host: Greg Dixon – Marketing Consultant, Eton Advisors Group
The Golden Age of Monetary Policy – Part 3
The Golden Age of Monetary Policy (1980-2019) has ended and the Post-Monetary Era has begun. This podcast looks at the final stage of the Golden Era when returns to stock and bond investors have been strong but economic growth has been sluggish. Featuring: Speaker: Jack Parham – Chief Investment Advisor, Eton Advisors Group Host: Greg